Terms of Service
When you purchase and/or receive a reading, you agree that you have read and understand the details of this disclaimer, agree to the Terms of Service, and release Downtown Tarot Company of any and all liability/responsibility for any action or inaction. You claim full responsibility for the choices and/or actions taken based on the content of your reading, and hereby waive and release Downtown Tarot Company from all claims, damages, losses, and expenses of any kind.
You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase a reading.
All psychic readings and consultations are meant to offer an insight into a person’s personal life and are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. These readings do not in any way constitute legal, financial, or professional advice.
By engaging in a reading, you understand that psychics do not diagnose illnesses, including questions pertaining to pregnancy and death. A reading should never take the place of professional services including but not limited to: medical, legal, financial, business and/or psychological services.
References to the future and outcomes are based on potentials, possibilities, and probabilities at the time of the reading, and are subject to interpretation. Intuitive reading is not an exact science and there is no implicit or explicit guarantee of any specific degree of accuracy.
Apothecary Services
The herbs we sell are not intended to treat or cure any disease, or be used for any medical purpose whatsoever.
Herb mixtures are for external and ritual use only. We offer no guarantee of the safety or effectiveness of taking a mixture internally as a tea or otherwise.
By purchasing items or services from Downtown Tarot Company, you agree that you have read these Terms of Service, and release Downtown Tarot Company from any and all liability/responsibility relating to that purchase.
Privacy Policy
We take client privacy extremely seriously. All readings are considered confidential and we do not disclose the names of our clients or the contents of readings with anyone outside of the Downtown Tarot Company.
All information gathered for booking appointments (name, email, phone, etc) is kept strictly confidential, and is used only in a manner which is necessary to manage appointments. Your information is never sold, and is not shared with any third party for advertising or any other purpose, with the exception of our automated booking software.
Unless specifically requested by a client, we do not save payment information for future use. Any credit card information that is saved for future use is done at the explicit request of that client, and is stored securely using SquareUp software. No payments are ever processed without explicit approval for each instance.
Crisis References
National Suicide Prevention Hotline (available 24 hours every day)
Dial 988 (new service)​
Common Ground Resource and Crisis ​Center